183 research outputs found

    Charge mobility determination by current extraction under linear increasing voltages: the case of non-equilibrium charges and field-dependent mobilities

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    The method of current extraction under linear increasing voltages (CELIV) allows for the simultaneous determination of charge mobilities and charge densities directly in thin films as used in organic photovoltaic cells (OPV). In the past, it has been specifically applied to investigate the interrelation of microstructure and charge transport properties in such systems. Numerical and analytical calculations presented in this work show that the evaluation of CELIV transients with the commonly used analysis scheme is error prone once charge recombination and, possibly, field dependent charge mobilities are taken into account. The most important effects are an apparent time-dependence of charge mobilities and errors in the determined field dependencies. Our results implicate that reports on time-dependent mobility relaxation in OPV materials obtained by the CELIV technique should be carefully revisited and confirmed by other measurement methods.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Stark Effect of Hybrid Charge Transfer States at Planar ZnO/Organic Interfaces

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    We investigate the bias-dependence of the hybrid charge transfer state emission at planar heterojunctions between the metal oxide acceptor ZnO and three donor molecules. The electroluminescence peak energy linearly increases with the applied bias, saturating at high fields. Variation of the organic layer thickness and deliberate change of the ZnO conductivity through controlled photo-doping allow us to confirm that this bias-induced spectral shifts relate to the internal electric field in the organic layer rather than the filling of states at the hybrid interface. We show that existing continuum models overestimate the hole delocalization and propose a simple electrostatic model in which the linear and quadratic Stark effects are explained by the electrostatic interaction of a strongly polarizable molecular cation with its mirror image

    Structure-related differences in the temperature-regulated fluorescence response of LCST type polymers

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.We demonstrate new fluorophore-labelled materials based on acrylamide and on oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) bearing thermoresponsive polymers for sensing purposes and investigate their thermally induced solubility transitions. It is found that the emission properties of the polarity-sensitive (solvatochromic) naphthalimide derivative attached to three different thermoresponsive polymers are highly specific to the exact chemical structure of the macromolecule. While the dye emits very weakly below the LCST when incorporated into poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAm) or into a polyacrylate backbone bearing only short OEG side chains, it is strongly emissive in polymethacrylates with longer OEG side chains. Heating of the aqueous solutions above their cloud point provokes an abrupt increase of the fluorescence intensity of the labelled pNIPAm, whereas the emission properties of the dye are rather unaffected as OEG-based polyacrylates and methacrylates undergo phase transition. Correlated with laser light scattering studies, these findings are ascribed to the different degrees of pre-aggregation of the chains at low temperatures and to the extent of dehydration that the phase transition evokes. It is concluded that although the temperature-triggered changes in the macroscopic absorption characteristics, related to large-scale alterations of the polymer chain conformation and aggregation, are well detectable and similar for these LCST-type polymers, the micro-environment provided to the dye within each polymer network differs substantially. Considering sensing applications, this finding is of great importance since the temperature-regulated fluorescence response of the polymer depends more on the macromolecular architecture than the type of reporter fluorophore.BMBF, 03IS2201B, Spitzenforschung und Innovation in den Neuen Ländern - Das Taschentuchlabor: Impulszentrum für Integrierte Bioanalyse (IZIB

    Anticorrelated Photoluminescence and Free Charge Generation Proves Field-Assisted Exciton Dissociation in Low-Offset PM6:Y5 Organic Solar Cells

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    Understanding the origin of inefficient photocurrent generation in organic solar cells with low energy offset remains key to realizing high performance donor-acceptor systems. Here, we probe the origin of field-dependent free charge generation and photoluminescence in non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) based organic solar cells using the polymer PM6 and NFA Y5 - a non-halogenated sibling to Y6, with a smaller energetic offset to PM6. By performing time-delayed collection field (TDCF) measurements on a variety of samples with different electron transport layers and active layer thickness, we show that the fill factor and photocurrent are limited by field-dependent free charge generation in the bulk of the blend. We also introduce a new method of TDCF called m-TDCF to prove the absence of artefacts from non-geminate recombination of photogenerated- and dark charge carriers near the electrodes. We then correlate free charge generation with steady state photoluminescence intensity, and find perfect anticorrelation between these two properties. Through this, we conclude that photocurrent generation in this low offset system is entirely controlled by the field dependent exciton dissociation into charge transfer states

    A New Figure of Merit for Organic Solar Cells with Transport-limited Photocurrents

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    Compared to their inorganic counterparts, organic semiconductors suffer from relatively low charge carrier mobilities. Therefore, expressions derived for inorganic solar cells to correlate characteristic performance parameters to material properties are prone to fail when applied to organic devices. This is especially true for the classical Shockley-equation commonly used to describe current-voltage (JV)-curves, as it assumes a high electrical conductivity of the charge transporting material. Here, an analytical expression for the JV-curves of organic solar cells is derived based on a previously published analytical model. This expression, bearing a similar functional dependence as the Shockley-equation, delivers a new figure of merit a to express the balance between free charge recombination and extraction in low mobility photoactive materials. This figure of merit is shown to determine critical device parameters such as the apparent series resistance and the fill factor